surgicare - Surgical Edition

SurgiCare Surgical Edition provides any facility that performs surgeries the necessaries tools to manage your entire supply chain. Perform case costing with our preference card module, scan items to patients and cases on your iPhone, iPad and Android devices. Track expiration dates and lot numbers for patient safety. Integrated purchasing, invoicing, and pricing update features with major suppliers.

  • Surgical Preference Cards

    Surgical Preference Cards

    How easily can you track the materials costs of your cases? SurgiCare Inventory software provides an easy-to-use system of maintaining surgical preference cards. Use these cards to maintain stock levels and to track costs associated to patients, surgeons, and procedures.

    preference card cost costing features
  • Medical Inventory Materials Tracking

    usage tracking

    Healthcare supply chain researchers have found that adoption of inventory management systems can significantly reduce costs associated with medical and surgical items used both in operating rooms and for general patient care. SurgiCare Software offers a powerful, easy-to-use perpetual inventory management solution for medical centers, hospitals, clinics, and other provider organizations.

    optimize your inventory
  • Barcode Scanning

    Barcode Scanning

    SurgiCare offers many different barcode scanning technologies that are guaranteed to fit any size center and budget. The SurgiCare Mobile App can be used to quickly scan items out of inventory as products are being consumed, attach patient IDs to items for case-costing, receive in purchase orders, and much more..

    learn about barcoding
  • Medical Inventory Purchase Orders


    Improve the purchasing process with timesaving features such as integreated shopping directly on your vendor's websites, and par-level driven automatic requisitioning, automatic pricing updates and alerts.

    how to improve procurement
  • Medical Inventory Reporting

    Automated Invoice Matching

    Eliminate the manual process of trying to match invoices with packing slips and purchase orders. SurgiCare’s Invoicing module allows for electronic 2/3-way document matching that allows you to easily determine that you’re only paying for what you’ve ordered and received.

    learn about 3-way-matching
  • Multi-sites

    Multi-Facility Capabilties

    Efficient supply management is a difficult undertaking for one location – managing multiple locations becomes even more complex. SurgiCare’s Site-Management functionality lets you manage all locations from a single viewpoint.

    how to track multiple locations